
When the days are cold

And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

I want to hide the truth
I want to shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

When the curtain's call
Is the last of all
When the lights fade out
All the sinners crawl

So they dug your grave
And the masquerade
Will come calling out
At the mess you made

Don't want to let you down
But I am hell bound
Though this is all for you
Don't want to hide the truth

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

They say it's what you make
I say it's up to fate
It's woven in my soul
I need to let you go

Your eyes, they shine so bright
I want to save that light
I can't escape this now
Unless you show me how

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide


Speciellt datum, men ingen speciell dag. Dock är jag lite ovanligt glad, men varför vet jag inte. Känner väl kanske lite hopp. Lyssnar på bra musik, varit "ledig" (sjuk med massa feber..) i två dagar och känner att det är otroligt skönt att vara frisk redan, brukar aldrig bli frisk så snabbt. Längtar tills att få träna lite lätt imorgon, längtar tills en skön biofredag med en fin vän. Längtar tills februari och hoppas att det händer något då, inte planerat så mycket än, men det borde bli av, ska bli av. 

Nu ska jag kolla på Sagan om ringen, hinner bara se den första. Men det borde räcka för att friska upp minnet lite inför The Hobbit.

Grattis till alla miljontals människor som förmodligen gift/förlovat sig idag!

Nu ska jag fortsätta njuta av, livet.


Hej igen!

Jag tänkte bara säga att jag har världens finaste lillasyster ♥ kolla bara så söt.

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